How To Care For Your Moustache!ϟ

Q: How do I look after a moustache?

A: Like long hair and beards, the moustache is a grooming trend that comes and goes. Big in the seventies, they vanished a decade later, only to reappear with a vengeance in the Noughties. This probably has something to do with the popularity of MOVEMBER;), where the month of November is dedicated to ‘tache growing to raise money for The Prostate Cancer Charity.

Make sure you keep it trimmed just above or level with the top lip-line. Allow it to grow further and you won’t just end up looking Yosemite Sam, it will also become an inconvenient storage area for all your meals.
As well as keeping it neat length-wise, you’ll also need a tool to maintain its shape. The defining tool on your trimmer will enable you to do this, as will the edging blade on a razor (Wilkinson Sword’s Titanium Precision razor has one). If you’re using a razor though, get yourself a shaving mirror and use a transparent shave oil to shave around your ‘tache – both will improve the accuracy of your definition.
If you’re growing some serious facial hair I suggest you should get yourself a moustache comb to keep it free of debris and tangles. Also, use a dab of moustache wax to keep it in shape, and apply a little hair conditioner after washing to keep it soft and silky.
Finally, and importantly, make sure you moisturise the skin under your moustache. This is important as facial hair wicks moisture away from the surface of the skin, causing it to become dry and flaky. Simply massage your usual moisturiser into the ‘tache and wipe off any excess cream. Twirling – Golden Age of Hollywood-style – is entirely optional.

What to buy

Remington’s Connector Beard Trimmer, £34,99 from

A brilliant moustache and beard trimmer which can also be charged from a USB. It’s the one I use.

Kent Brushes Moustache Comb, £2.55 from

This miniature moustache comb is about as much fun as you can have taking care of your ‘tache. It fits in your pocket and is great for keeping it well groomed and tangle-free.

Mr Taylor’s Moustache Wax, £6.50 for 15ml from

The perfect grooming aid to tame your ‘tache, this lightweight wax ads definition to longer moustaches without making them sticky.